
Chemical Peeling

About the Operation

Chemical Peeling

“We always strive to do our best to meet your needs.”

Chemical peeling is the process of removing the damaged upper layer of the skin using chemical substances, typically an acidic solution. This procedure aims to clean the skin from dead cells and damaged tissues, revealing a younger, fresher, and more vibrant skin surface. Chemical peeling is used in the treatment of various skin issues such as spots, wrinkles, acne scars, and uneven skin tone. It involves the application of solutions with different strengths and contents to achieve superficial, medium, or deep peeling.

Peeling is not suitable for:

-Pregnant individuals -Those with active infections in the application area

Chemical peeling is typically performed in 6-8 sessions with intervals of 1-3 weeks. Mild burning sensation may be temporarily felt during and after the procedure, but individuals can generally continue their normal activities.

How Does Chemical Peeling Affect the Skin?

Over time, collagen and elastin fibers in the skin deteriorate, leading to the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Chemical peeling helps in the formation of well-organized tissues, restoring the lost youthful and firm look.

Purposes of Chemical Peeling:

  • Acne treatment
  • Elimination of scars remaining after acne treatment
  • Treatment of fine lines and wrinkles
  • Closing open pores
  • Treatment of age spots on the hands
  • Treatment of aging and sunspots
  • Delaying the effects of aging

What problems can be encountered in Chemical Peeling treatment? There may be short-term mild redness, flaking, and peeling after the procedure.

What should be considered after Chemical Peeling? Sun protection is crucial after the procedure. Individuals can continue their normal activities. It is important not to apply makeup for a few hours after the procedure, avoid using certain products except for specific creams, and protect the skin from the sun.

How are the prices for Chemical Peeling? The prices vary depending on the area where the application will be performed and the periodic repetition of the procedure.

Do you have a question?

Get in touch with our specialist doctor immediately.